Genre of music you create:
I don’t particularly want to bind myself to a genre although for a simpler answer, I’d say RnB and Soul! To me, the sound I create is an influx of all my inspirations that I’ve gathered throughout my life which is Soul, RnB, and 80s-90s Chinese music.
Biggest Inspiration for your sound/art:
My biggest inspiration for my sound is honestly my experiences and the people around me. I tend to write about specific people and my experiences with them whether it’s a ex-partner or even just another form of myself such as my inner child. I’m a very emotional person and so whenever something very impactful happens to me, I have to release it into my music. That’s the only way I can really cope and process my emotions.
Dream Collaborators:
My top 3 dream collaborators definitely has to be Solange, KAYTRANADA, and Childish Gambino. These artists have had so much influence to the progression of my current sound and I know for a fact that they’re going to keep inspiring me for my future sounds.
Goals for your music this year leading into the next:
The goal for the end of this year which is soon haha will be to keep working on this new era of my music career. For next year, I again want to progress this era of my life and drop a project giving the world a full experience of my experience. I can be closed off at times personally but I am very open when it comes to releasing how I feel through my music.